Selected Essays - click to read

New York Review of Books - A New York Minute: On Hannah Sullivan and Catherine Barnett

New York Review of Books - ‘I Work and I Remember’: On Lawrence Joseph

Poetry - Letters Are Not Life: On the Dolphin Letters

Poetry - Too Mousy, Alas: On Thom Gunn

Poetry - We, Too, Have Been Beguiled: On Walter de la Mare

Poetry - Sound of the Axe on Fresh Wood: On Edna St Vincent Millay

Poetry - Flowers of Drivel: On Clare Bucknell’s The Treasuries

Poetry - One’s Own Evidence: On Saskia Hamilton

Poetry - Getting Messianic: On Seamus Heaney’s Letters

The Baffler - Singing in Dark Times: On Michael Robbins

The Baffler - Celtic Twilight: On Colin Barrett and Claire Keegan

The Baffler - A Puncher’s Chance

The Paris Review - Undisputed: Fury vs Usyk

The Guardian - Escape To Glory - Boxing as a Way Out

New Statesman - The Meaning of Tyson Fury

New Statesman - A Matter of Life and Death: On Boxing

TLS - Freelance: On Daniel Mendoza

TLS - Freelance: Horizon in Your Pocket

TLS - Freelance: Rimbaud of the Ropes

TLS - Freelance: Reconstruction Road - On Richard Yates in London

TLS - The Battle Against Bullshit: On Keith Douglas

TLS - On The Michael Marks Awards: Poetry Pamphlets

TLS - Shane MacGowan at Sixty

TLS - The Cult of Anthony Joshua

Los Angeles Review of Books - A Solo on the Pipe: On Julia Copus’s biography of Charlotte Mew

Los Angeles Review of Books - On Derek Mahon

Los Angeles Review of Books - We Go On: On the Poetry of Hugo Williams

The Believer - The Dream Songs and The Skeleton Tree: On Nick Cave

Faber & Faber Blog - On Robert Lowell’s Centenary

The White Review - Emily Berry’s Stranger, Baby

The White Review - Fiona Benson’s Vertigo & Ghost