Selected Reviews - click to read

TLS - Don’t Save Anything by James Salter

TLS - One Lark, One Horse by Michael Hofmann

TLS - Enter, Fleeing by Mark Ford

TLS - Come Back in September by Darryl Pinckney

TLS - The Ghost Net by Alan Jenkins

TLS - Faith, Hope and Carnage by Nick Cave and Sean O’Hagan

TLS - Stephen Romer’s Selected Poems

TLS - Terrance Hayes’s Watch Your Language and So To Speak

TLS - Frank Bidart’s Collected Poems

TLS - Stones by Kevin Young

TLS - Ben Lerner’s Selected Poems

TLS - A Blood Condition by Kayo Chingonyi

TLS - The After Party by Jana Prikryl

TLS - Venice by Ange Mlinko

TLS - Two Brothers by Jonathan Wilson

The Observer - Memoirs by Robert Lowell

The Observer - Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck translated by Michael Hofmann

The Observer - Old God’s Time by Sebastian Barry

The Observer - A Likely Lad by Peter Doherty

The Spectator - Shirley Hazzard: A Writing Life

The Spectator - John Berryman’s Selected Letters

The Spectator - Andrew Motion - Sleeping on Islands

The Spectator - N.B. by J.C. : A Walk Through the Times Literary Supplement

The Telegraph - Headshot by Rita Bullwinkel

The Telegraph - Best Sports Books of 2023

The Telegraph - Pulling the Chariot of the Sun by Shane McCrae

The Telegraph - Baumgartner by Paul Auster

The Telegraph - Prophet Song by Paul Lynch

The Telegraph - Toby Martinez de las Rivas - Floodmeadow

The Telegraph - Ned Boulting - 1923

The Poetry Review - The Caiplie Caves by Karen Solie

The Poetry Review - On Eliza Griswold and Stephen Knight

Los Angeles Review of Books - Song Noir: Tom Waits and the Spirit of Los Angeles

Los Angeles Review of Books - A Liar’s Dictionary by Eley Williams

Los Angeles Review of Books - The Poet’s Mistake by Erica McAlpine

Los Angeles Review of Books - Double Negative by Vona Groarke

Los Angeles Review of Books - Feeling versus Argument: On Reverse Engineering

Los Angeles Review of Books - The Art of Voice by Tony Hoagland

Los Angeles Review of Books - Willed Resilience: On Andrew Motion and Christopher Reid

Los Angeles Review of Books - Collapsing Time: On John Fuller’s Asleep and Awake

Boxing News - The Duke: The Life and Lies of Tommy Morrison

P.N Review - Deformations by Sasha Dugdale

Wild Court - On Douglas Crase

Literary Review - The Late Americans by Brandon Taylor

Literary Review - Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday

The London Magazine - Elizabeth Hardwick’s Essays